The slot is a position in football that has become incredibly important to teams as it allows them to be able to attack all levels of the defense. Without a quality slot receiver, a team isn’t complete and will struggle to be successful. This article will dive into everything you need to know about the slot receiver, from their role in the offense to how they differ from a wideout.
In football, a slot is an area of the field between the outside tackle and tight end and the middle linebacker and safeties. It’s a position that is often overlooked but is vital to any offense. Slot receivers are very versatile and are capable of running all types of routes. They’re usually faster than their outside counterparts and are able to catch both short and deep passes. They also typically have great hands and excel at running precise routes.
A slot is a narrow opening in something, such as a door, window or machine. The term can also refer to a time or place where an activity takes place, such as when someone books a ticket or a meeting.
When a player wins a slot, the machine counts the credits for them and then begins to roll-up, or accumulate, more credits. This is done so the player doesn’t have to keep pressing a button to stop the machine from counting their winnings, which can be annoying for some players. This feature is found on both live and video slot machines.
Unlike the more common wide receiver, who lines up in the outside ten or 20 yards from the offensive tackle, the slot receiver will line up inside them, closer to the center of the field. They’re a very important part of the passing game and must be able to run every route possible, including to the outside, in and up, as well as slant and fade patterns. They’re also very important on running plays as they can help block for the ball carrier and prevent defensive backs from filling the middle of the field.
As they’re a much more specialized type of receiver, slot receivers tend to be smaller and stockier than their wideout counterparts. They’re normally around 6’0’’ tall or shorter and weigh about 180-190 pounds. They have a very unique look and aren’t as fast as their outside wideout counterparts, but they make up for it with their route-running and precision. They’re also very good at blocking and will frequently pick up blitzes and provide protection on running plays that go outside.